(CH Sportingfield Hot Topic x CH Snow Hill Mind Body & Soul JC ROMX)
Whelped: July 08, 2007 – View Pedigree

Calli – NSBIS AWC National 2009
Cardiac: OFA Normal (12/05/2016)
CERF: Normal
Hips: OFA Excellent
BAER: Normal
CHIC certification
In 2008 Calli became the first black whippet to win Best in Futurity at the AWC National Specialty in Eugene, OR. She continued on that week to garner Best Puppy in regular classes as well. Many thanks to breeder judges Donna Lynch and Cindy Scott for these prestigious awards. En route to her championship Calli was Winners Bitch at the 2008 Midwest Specialty (j. Sharon Sakson) and Best In Sweepstakes (j. Paula Knight) at the AWC Support the same weekend. This delightful whippet sets the standard for make, shape, movement and wonderful attitude at Snow Hill.
At the AWC 2009 National Specialty in Atlanta, GA Calli became the first black whippet in the history of the breed to win Best of Breed !!! A huge thank you to Magnus Hagstedt of Signum Whippets from Stockholm, Sweden for this most prestigious win!
Since winning the National in April 2009, Calli was shown only at the Midwest and North Central Regional Specialty weekend events. In July she won an Award Of Merit at the Midwest under breeder judge Dr. Connie Brunkow. August took us to the North Central where she won back to back BOB’s under breeder judges Iva Kimmelman and Donna Lynch. Thank you to these respected judges for such awesome wins in fabulous competition!